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Annual 28 Nissan Kids Farbrengen to feature special 770 tour by Mendy Pellin; Farbrengen by Rabbi Mendel Lerman

Children from all over the world are gearing up for this year’s unique Moshiach online Zoom farbrengen, Sunday 1 PM ET, featuring a unique 770 tour and the launch of a new Tut Altz curriculum.

This year, marking 33 years since Chassidim received a personal mandate from the Rebbe to hasten the coming of Moshiach, Tut Altz Kids is hosting its online Kids farbrengen on Sunday, Chof Zayin Nissan at 1 PM ET. In an engaging one-hour program of stories, videos of the Rebbe, and fun games, the children will be treated to an immersive experience that will empower them to bring the message of Geulah to their friends and family.

Led by Rabbi Mendel Lerman, the event will feature a remarkable behind-the-scenes tour of Beis Rebbeinu, 770, By Comedian Mendy Pellin. This engaging program is geared for the entire family 6+. The program will include a special launch of a new curriculum, “The Mikdash Movement,” all about the specialty of 770. 

All attendees who send a picture of their participation will be entered into a special raffle to win amazing prizes.

Meeting ID: 860 5701 8183

Passcode: tutaltz

For further info, questions and comments, email:


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