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Exciting prizes!
Every child who submits a project will receive a prize.


How can I be part of the contest?If you are in Grades 3 – 8 and have learned the maamar booklets in or out of school, you can submit a project. You do not have to be tested or take part in the weekly divrei Torah to be eligible.
What kind of project can I enter into the contest?You can submit any creative medium that can be shared—copied, photographed, recorded (video or audio) online by the due date to be considered by our panel of judges as one of the winning submissions.
Can I team up to do a project with my friends or siblings?Yes, up to four children can participate in and submit a project. If your group wins a prize, you will work it out between yourselves how to share it.
How will my project be judged? (Or: Which projects have the best chance to win?)Each project will be evaluated by our judges according to these three criteria: 1. Toichen – the message is easy to understand, information from the booklet is clearly included, and the information included is accurate 2. Creativity – the project is unique (one-of-a-kind), inventive, inspiring, fun or funny 3. Organization – the project looks neat and put together and is age-appropriate The judges will take your age into account when choosing the winning projects. They will judge fairly based on the general expectations for each grade level.
How do I give in my project?When your project is complete (see dates on the back), log onto with your parent or teacher’s help and fill out the submission form. Be sure to attach the file (image, audio or video) with your project
Who wins?The judges will choose the projects that meet or exceed your grade-level abilities for all three criteria. They will choose four winners internationally.

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