Tut Altz releases a new weekly video series featuring engaging sixty-second short films that bring fundamental Moshiach concepts to life for visual learners.

Stepping beyond the auditory world of podcasts, Tut Altz is launching “Daily Boost Features,” a video series that presents cutting insights into the topic of Moshiach.
Coming on the heels of the Daily Boost Podcast, Moshiach Office media producer Mussie Loewenthal says the latest offering is a boon for visual learners. “The audio podcast format only goes so far,” she says, “it’s great for auditory learners, but for visual learners like myself, the video format is a great asset. The immersive nature of the medium helps us internalize the messages.”
To complement the new medium’s potential for impact, Tut Altz selects the crème de la crème of the Daily Boost Podcast episodes—such as the one that unpacks the Rebbe’s analogy of the local train, which takes longer because it leaves none behind—and fleshes out the visual elements.
Since its inception, Tut Altz has worked to put the Rebbe’s teachings on Moshiach within reach of every Jew. The Daily Boost podcast that launched this Tishrei crams punchy and uplifting messages into a short audio capsule of under ninety seconds each day. Even with an established media presence, Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, director of The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, says the latest “Features” offering brings the Rebbe’s messages to an even broader audience.
Each Wednesday, the video messages will be released weekly through Tut Altz’s official Youtube Channel. A sizable number of captivating short videos are already available, unwrapping insights such as the analogy that compares the process of Geula to the smelting of silver. “These videos are made to fit our active lives,” Rabbi Naparstek says, “they’re just short enough to give you the inspiration without the perspiration.”
With the new “Features” videos rolling off the production line, Mussie says they’re an excellent opportunity to bring Moshiach learning into our busy lives. “There are so many things competing for our attention,” she says, “but these videos help put the day on pause, refocus on our purpose, and make every week just a little bit more meaningful.”
To subscribe to the Daily Boost Features, visit tutaltz.com/broadcast or find Tut Altz on Youtube at youtube.com/@Tut_Altz.