A ready-made Hakhel program is being offered by the Moshiach Office of Merkos 302, helping teachers bring the messages of Geulah and Hakhel to their students.
As the school year gets into full swing, Tut Altz Kids is offering an array of exciting programs and resources that bring the Rebbe’s message of Hakhel and Geulah into children’s lives. With the call of the hour being ‘Hakhel’ – with a particular focus on children, Tut Altz developed a unique Hakhel event program.
The program offers a pre-recorded event that can be presented by teachers to their students at their convenience. Featuring Shuey of Mitzvah Boulevard and moderated by Rabbi Mendel Lerman, the Hakhel Event #1 includes a game, story, an exciting raffle, and a review of the first ‘Live with Geulah Now!’ segment, titled “The Best Way.”
While geared for children, the event can be enjoyed by parents, teachers, and anyone who wishes to watch and enjoy.
Students can then enter a raffle by sending pictures to schools@tutaltz.com or +1 (347) 343-4514 of their class watching the recording. All those who send photos will be entered into a fantastic raffle with prizes for their whole class.
“This Hakhel year, when everyone is looking for opportunities to gather Yidden, presents a unique opportunity for a renewed focus on learning Moshiach topics,” Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, said. “This new program offers the two together on a silver platter, ready and available for teachers and parents to utilize.”
The program is easily accessible at tutaltz.com/kidsevents to be viewed at any time.